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1pc/3pcs I2C 1602 LCD Display Module 16X2 with Blue Backlight, 830-Hole Breadboard, and 10cm Male-to-Female Dupont Wires, Compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, Perfect for Obstacle Avoidance Robots and Programming Projects


1PC/3PCS L298N Motor Driver Module with Jumper Wires, High Voltage High Current Dual H-Bridge Driver, Robot Programming, Smart Car, Compatible with Arduino Uno Mega2560, Raspberry Pi


3/5pcs 5V/12V Relay Module 1 Channel Relay Board with Opto-Isolated High or Low Level Trigger for Raspberry Pi and Arduino


4 in 1 Mini Nano V3.0 ATmega328P for Arduino Micro Controller Board Module with 10pcsDupont Line and 1pc 400-Point Board + Nano V3.0 Expansion I/O Shield Board Breakout Screw Terminal Adapter


4/7pcs 28BYJ-48 DC 5V Stepper Motor with ULN2003 Driver Test Module Board, Including 400/830-Hole Breadboard and 1pc/2pcs10cm M-to-F Dupont Wires, Compatible with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, Perfect for Smart Car and Robot Programming Project

$3.00 $4.50

40pcs 10cm Jumper Ribbon Cables Kit, Male to Male, Female to Male, Female to Female Dupont Cables for Arduino, Breadboard Prototyping, and DIY Projects


5-Pack GY-BMP280-3.3 High-Precision Atmospheric Pressure Sensors for Arduino, Ideal for Science Education and DIY Projects


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